Q Fever Community Awareness Kit
This kit provides practical suggestions and resources for how you can raise awareness of Q fever in your community.
The purpose of this Q fever resource kit
- To increase the rural community’s awareness and understanding of Q fever and its potential impact on individuals and families.
- To provide useful educational resources and other practical tools for the rural community designed to help reduce the disease burden of Q fever in Australia.
The kit contains shareable images to help raise awareness of Q fever, including first-hand accounts from patients describing what it’s like to live through both acute and chronic stages of Q fever. The kit contains banner ads to promote these first-hand stories through community email campaigns and on social media.
Thank you for your interest in Q fever and for supporting your community with Q fever awareness and education.
This package includes relevant assets you may wish to use for educational purposes to help reduce the burden of Q fever in Australia.

For any questions on the above resources or how to use them, please contact us here
Date of preparation: 09/23 AU-QVAX-23-0028
Other Resources
In this video, Australian vet Dr. Bonny Cumming explores the connection between the environment, animals, and communities. Learn about the influence of environmental factors on Q fever and the importance of a holistic approach.
Think you may be at risk of Q fever?
Any medical practitioner can provide Q fever advice.
Click through to find out why it’s important to speak to your doctor about Q fever and get medical advice on your Q fever risk.